A coach in your corner, that teaches you how to overcome the biggest barriers to your success.
A customized plan that works for your body and adjusts with your schedule.
And peace of mind that you're doing the right things to get the best results.
Its like having a personal trainer in your pocket
Trapped in the daily grind—
confused, overwhelmed, and fed up.
Each day, numerous women turn to TFM, seeking health and fitness guidance they can truly rely on.
The vast majority feel:
Confused about the most effective way to eat and exercise to actually reach their goals.
Overwhelmed with information thats constantly changing
Fed up by the ongoing battle to shed weight or reshape their bodies, sometimes after years of relentless effort.
This isn't surprising.
Having spent considerable time in this industry with so called "experts", they open lead with false promises and misinformation, fostering a negative environment within the fitness industry.
Think about it:
Did you ever envision scrutinizing nutritional labels or depriving yourself of beloved foods as an adult? Did you anticipate worrying about appearing foolish at the gym or feeling inadequate after scrolling through countless "fitspiration" photos on your Instagram feed?
Absolutely not.
Years ago, did you imagine waking up fatigued, rushing through your day? Did you envision needing evening drinks just to unwind or mindlessly snacking, only to regret it later? Or being too drained at day's end to connect with your family?
Certainly not.
Yet, for many, this is the daily reality—day after day, year after year.
But what if life could be different?
Imagine a different kind of Monday
You wake up, put on your workout attire, grab a cup of coffee from your favorite spot, and head to the gym.
You plug in your headphones, cue up some music, and effortlessly follow the new program your coach sent over the weekend.
What's on the agenda today?
Another core exercise, just as you requested, and a delightful upper body exercise to support your shoulder. With your program in hand, you spend the next 45 minutes moving, sweating, and nodding your head to the beat.
Post-workout, you shower (admiring yourself in the mirror), grab a nutritious smoothie, and head to the office.
Tailored meal plans - personalized to YOU
Come lunchtime, you consult your eating guide on your phone. A quick glance guides you in ordering the perfect meal to meet your goals and feel fantastic.
No restrictive plans, just guidelines for optimal choices tailored to your goals—whether dining out with friends, on vacation, or preparing for family holidays.
Back at the office after lunch, while others look like theyve been taken over by zombies craving their fourth cup of coffee, you remain focused, even at 3 pm. Completing your work early, you fire off an email to your team and shut down your computer for the day.
En route home, you stop by the store for fresh dinner ingredients. You precisely choose items that will make you feel good tonight and tomorrow.
Later, as dinner simmers and music wafts in from the living room, you savor a guilt-free drink. The evening unfolds with good food, an hour of Netflix, and some reading before bedtime.
When your head finally hits the pillow, a sense of contentment is felt: Life is good.
And the best part: the health and fitness routine demands minimal thought.
Just follow the plan your coach designed—exclusively for you.
This is not an illusion or a day meant for someone else.
Regardless of your "perfect day," you can achieve the body you desire and lead a healthier, more stress-free life — even if past attempts have failed.
My team and I are here to assist you, starting today.
In COACHINGBYTFM, we remove all the guesswork and build YOU a customized program that just works - No matter your schedule, preference, or experience.
You are the focus.
Coaches that care.
Take the stress out of fitness and nutrition.
Adjusts to your schedule and preferences.
Built for results that don’t disappear.
A year from now, you'll be one year older.
Will you also be one year better?
Despite the countless years my team and I have spent coaching clients, it's truly remarkable to witness the incredible achievements people unlock when they when they stop trying to figure everything out on their own and, instead, embrace a tailor-made program.
Fat melts away. Muscle gets uncovered. Strength increases. Little aches and pains all but disappear.
These transformative moments transpire exclusively when you release the burden of trying to manage everything solo—and opt to place your faith in a well-established process.
This phenomenon brings to mind the age-old cliché:
Repeating the same actions and expecting different outcomes is often defined as insanity
—a saying we've all encountered at some point.
Yet, have you truly paused to reflect on its relevance to your own life?
Are you sticking to the same exercise routine you've followed in the past?
Do you find yourself leaping from one diet to the next, in an unending cycle?
Is your approach leaning heavily towards "all or nothing," leaving little room for balance?
Struggling with consistency, despite knowing what needs to be done?
If any of these sound familiar, my team and I are here to assist. Over the past few years, we've collaborated with over 1,000 individuals, understanding what it truly takes to achieve genuine, enduring results—results that are both visible and tangible.
By reaching this point, you've already glimpsed into our process and witnessed our results. The likelihood is high that we can guide you on your journey as well.
We're prepared to alleviate the stress from your shoulders, provide you with a personalized plan, and guide you towards attaining the body you desire and rightfully deserve.
The next move is yours.